CAIMANO MK4 CDV PRO is a new generation of shallow water Closed Circuit Underwater Breathing Apparatus (CCUBA). It is conceived, designed and manufactured by SIEL in order to meet all needs of professional divers.
- Closed circuit oxygen rebreather, ventral soft shield apparatus.
- Weight and dimensions highly reduced compared to other same class rebreathers.
- Easy and quick to wear.
- The soft shield Cordura® material protects the breathing bag against tearing and abrasions.
- Hydrodynamic fitness ratio.
- Innovative radial type soda lime filter designed for large capacity and optimal absorption.
- Automatic (on-demand valve) and manual (by-pass) oxygen injection control.
- Automatic mode allows diver “free-hand” operations.
- No tools required for setup and operation.
- Max operational depth: More than 12 mt (39 fsw)
- Real operational depth: Diving rules in your Country
- Dive time: ~240 min
- Storage temperature: -30°C ÷ 70°C (-22°F ÷ 158°F)
- Operative temperature: -2°C ÷ 35°C (28°F ÷ 95°F)
- Breathing bag capacity: Variable volume, ~ 8.5 lt (0.3 ft³)
- Radial filter capacity: ~2.050 Kg (4,52 lb) of soda lime
- Cylinder capacity: 1 x 1.5 liters 232 bar (3364 psi)
- Dimensions (HxWxD): h420 x w350 x d140 (16.53x13.77x5.51 inch)
- Weight in air: 8,4 Kg (18,52 lb) w/out soda lime
- Weight in sea water: Neutral with 2.5 l of oxygen in the bag
Producto fuera de stock. Consultar en los próximos: días de entrega
Siel MK4 CDV Dorsal Kit for Caimano Rebretaher Military Diving: The kit allows to wear the Caimano MK4 CDV rebreather on the back instead than in the front.
Siel Jacket Shark Bouyancy Compensator for Military Diving: The SHARK Buoyancy Compensator represents the latest generation in the design of jackets, to be used with all SIEL Oxygen Ventral Rebreathers. Its design provides the maximum buoyancy, offering stability and control in any operative condition.