-4H- FerryBox: autonomous, low-maintenance measuring system

-4H- FerryBox: autonomous, low-maintenance measuring system

The -4H- FerryBox is an autonomous, low-maintenance measuring system, which is designed for the continuous operation onboard ships, on measurement platforms and at river banks. The -4H- FerryBox as a fixed installed system provides the ideal basis for extensive and continuous long-term monitoring while maintenance efforts are kept to a minimum. The integrated automatic cleaning system ensures a high data availability.

Working priciple

⦁ Flow system in which the water to be analyzed is pumped

⦁ Measurement of physical and biogeochemical parameters in surface waters by different sensors

⦁ Integrated anti-fouling and cleaning concept


⦁ Automated low-maintenance system

⦁ Automated cleaning procedures

⦁ Data transfer via Satellite, GPRS, UMTS or WiFi/LAN

⦁ Event triggered operation modes

⦁ Remote supervision and parameterization

⦁ Acquisition of physical and biogeochemical processes supporting mathematical climate model developments

Options and accessories:

⦁ Intergration of complex sampler systems

⦁ Use of a debubbler

⦁ Different sensors, individually chosen or adapted to the field of operation

⦁ Water supply pump

⦁ Coarse filter

⦁ Debubbler

⦁ Waste water tank

⦁ ComBox for data transmission