


Tuneable single frequency high resolution imagery


Super SeaPrince - Mechanical Scanning Sonar (Work-Class)

Tuneable single frequency high resolution imagery

The Super SeaPrince DST is a compact sonar with many of the features and capabilities of the industry leading Super SeaKing DST.

The broadband transducer within the Super SeaPrince DST allows it to be tuned between 500kHz up to 900kHz, for maximum range and higher resolution in this single frequency sonar.

Industry Sectors:

Energy, Engineering, Survey, Underwater Vehicles

The Super SeaPrince has been developed from the industry-standard SeaKing and Micron sonars. The Super SeaPrince utilises the same Digital Sonar Technology (DST) composite transducer and Compressed High Intensity Radar Pulse (CHIRP) technology, offering exceptional clarity and resolution as a dual frequency mechanical scanning sonar.

Built to the highest quality standards, with a hard boot to protect the transducer, the Super SeaPrince is specifically designed for deployment in survey, observation and light work-class ROVs.

The single frequency Super SeaPrince is configured to dual port pressure housing as standard, single port is available on request.

Tritech’s SeaKing range of mechanical imaging sonars comprises the SeaKing Hammerhead, Super SeaKing, Super SeaPrince and Micron sonars. All products in the SeaKing family (or third-party products within the ARCNET communications link), can be run simultaneously, using the same processor and display; such as Tritech’s Surface Control Unit (SCU) or a customer supplied PC or laptop.

Please Note: SeaPrince units manufactured prior to 2011 have an overall length of 146mm and a maximum diameter of 74.5mm (Single Port) or 86mm (Dual Port model). If you are unsure which sonar you have please contact Tritech support (